Is This Your Family?
Having to manage your child’s behavior is stressful. When your child misbehaves do you question what you are doing to manage the situation is working or making the child act out more or longer? Do you dread dealing with enforcing the morning or bedtime routines, since it seems like a constant fight? Do you find yourself repeating instructions over and over again in order to get your child to pick up their toys or eat their food? Do you feel overwhelmed with your child biting, fighting or hitting and you don’t know what to do to get it to stop?!?!?!?

If this sounds familiar, then The Positive Parenting Program is here to help! Triple P offers parents support to manage behavioral challenges and help make parenting more enjoyable.
Could You Use Some Support?
A Triple P Provider can meet with you one-on-one or in a group setting. You will receive assistance in identifying your goals and gain tools to help make positive changes in your child’s behavior. When you’re finished with the program you will feel more confident with tackling the most challenging situations in your home.
Ready To Get Started?
The Triple P Program is a FREE service to parents residing in Richland County! Contact Joy Moore, LSW at Catalyst Life Services to get started. Joy can be reached at 419-774-6866.